The Country Ministry
Paul & Caroline Mulroney
About Paul & Caroline
Paul & Caroline have a heart for country ministry, with family ties to the Great Southern region of WA. Paul was born in Queensland, but his family moved to his mother’s home town of Pingelly, where he attended Narrogin SHS until he attended University. Caroline was born in Narrogin, and lived in Cuballing until she attended University. They have been married 30 years, and have two adult children. They have actively served in the churches that they have attended, and are currently worshiping at C3 Langford Church. Their pastor is Clinton Phillips. They serve on the worship/multimedia teams, and are on the pastoral care team for the church. For many years they were part of Lamp Lighter Ministries, which was a counselling organisation based in Belmont that provided prayer counselling services. Through LLM they were able to present the Motivational Gifts seminar (a teaching based on Romans 12) to a number of churches throughout Perth, as well as Wagin, Newdegate and Kalgoorlie Uniting churches. After leaving LLM, Paul presented a worship workshop to the combined churches in Manjimup held at the Warren Valley Community Church, and a shortened version for Merredin Uniting church.
They have been a part of a number of "Church Together" type services in Wagin, and have taken services in the following churches: Boyup Brook Uniting, Kalgoorlie Uniting, Kendenup Community Church, Newdegate Uniting, Northcliffe Community Church, Wagin Vineyard Church, and York Uniting.
Through the years of ministry, Paul & Caroline have served with the (retired) congregations of Southside Vineyard and Grace Community Church Bentley (formerly Canning Baptist Fellowship). With Southside Vineyard, they have helped run events in Merredin and Wagin. Now preaching periodically at C3 Langford, Paul has previously had the opportunity to preach at Southside Vineyard and Grace Community Church. These experiences helped shape a desire to build and encourage the church in country regions.
Paul and Caroline were moved to action after an incident that happened in Merredin, there they recognised the shortage of people willing to help country communities Their original plan was to visit a town and run a secular version of the Motivational Gifts seminar as a tool for business management; and on the weekend work with the church leadership to bring deeper teaching on the spiritual principles behind the motivational gifts, presenting the full seminar to the church before concluding the weekend with a worship server together.
They realised that to run an event like this, there needs to be a high degree of trust from the ministers; that their congregations will be safe. Reaching out to their network of country contacts, Paul & Caroline looked for opportunities to share. Those that knew Paul & Caroline well invited them to be part of their services in some form or another, and over time this has developed into a semi-regular preaching circuit.
Since beginning Bold Light, Paul & Caroline have steadily increased how many trips that they take to minister to country congregations. Early on, they were able two trips a year to three churches (for a total of six trips). As at 2022, this number has grown, currently they are averaging one trip a month. In the last four years, teams from C3 Langford have joined them to learn and serve the needs of the country churches alongside Paul and Caroline.
This is in addition to their involvement with the Perth Emmaus Community. Beyond Perth, they were actively involved in the Great Southern Emmaus community until the decision was made to formally disband the community. They also created and host the Emmaus Australian prayer vigil site:, making it available to any Emmaus community that opts in.
Download a copy of the brochure
Motivational Gifts
Romans 12:6-8 says “If your gift is ... then use it!” But what are our gifts? What gift has God given me? This workshop is about discovering our Motivational Gift - that gift that is with us from conception and makes us a unique and precious person in God’s sight!
Based on the book “Understanding Your God-Given Gifts”, by Don & Katie Fortune (1987, Chosen Books, Grand Rapids, MI), We look at the seven basic “motivational” gifts.
Weekend structure:
- Friday night: For the leaders. About the seminar, prayer and worship together.
- Worship, Introduction to the concept
- Session 1 – Exhorter, Mercy, Server, Facilitator.
- Session 2 – Insight, Teacher, Contributor
- Wrap-up – Finding your gift, pollutions, prayer
- Sunday: Join us for the service at the church.
Workshop for worship teams in the local churches, this one day seminar is designed to get people to think about worship. Too often today when you talk about worship you think megachurch “Hillsong” and the like. We look at what the bible says about worship, and how it applies to our local congregation.
- Session 1: Forms of worship, contemporary worship. Spiritual aspects of worship. Worship in the church today.
- Session 2: Team structure and leadership. Running a practice session. Leading worship: hand signals, following God’s leading.
- Session 3: Technical: Sound, PA, Foldback, Mics and Mixing, Feedback issues.
- Session 4: Vocal workshop. Introduction to vocal training. Techniques to get the most out of your voice.
Introdution to Spiritual Warfare
If all there was in all of reality, is God and us, then there wouldn’t be such a thing as spiritual warfare. The reality is that there is an enemy, one who opposes God, one who comes against us. The apostle Paul writes in 2 Cor 2:11 – “… so that Satan will not outsmart us. For we are very familiar with his evil schemes.” The apostle Paul needed to be aware of the enemy, his tactics, his schemes, the way that he works, so that we would not be outsmarted by Satan.
The purpose of this workshop is to understand a little about the spiritual realm, and to recognise that there is an enemy, there is a war being waged here on earth, and we are part of that battle.
- Session 1: Recognise the enemy.
- Session 2: Listening to God. Our identity in Christ, knowing God’s promises.
- Session 3: The call to war. The nature of spiritual warfare, our armour, our authority
Paul & Caroline have been facilitators for a number of courses such as the Careforce Lifekeys “Search for Life”, “Man to Man”, “Woman to Woman”; Ted Roberts’ “Pure Desire”; Beth Moore’s “Children of the Day”.
- For a single engagement (eg taking a service, giving a sermon etc) $200
- For multiple engagements on a weekend (eg running a workshop on Saturday, and taking the service on Sunday) $300 for the weekend
- If there are workshop booklets involved, then $20 per person to cover printing costs
- Money for travel
- Billeting/hosting/accommodation. Paul & Caroline would prefer to stay with a host family from the church.
If Paul & Caroline are running a workshop, they would like to arrive Friday night and spend time with the church leadership getting to know them, otherwise they would arrive Saturday afternoon. They would usually leave after the service on Sunday
Get in Contact!
Bold Light
We'd love to come and minister to you!
We can be reached by phone, email or mail.
Phone: 0409 681 615
Address: 86 Coolgardie Street, Bentley, WA 6102
Fill out the form to email us.